History Hunting" this week was done in the the beautiful cabinet that houses the record keeping books. One such book was from Dr. Goodwin dated 1812. Inside is the record of his visits and treatments/ medicines prescribed. How interesting to see what medications were available to the people of this time period. Some were prescribed quinine. others 'bitters", and then there is the mention of myrrh. In one entry- could it possibly say "sun dried mullein"? Some notations just record "call and advice". This information in further research, leads to what ailments could have been infecting people of this time. Quinine was used to treat malaria and irreg- ular heartbeats. Bitters used natural herbs to cure sicknesses like stom- ach maladies and sea sicknesses. Myrrh has been used medicinally for centuries, for treating conditions ranging from battle wounds to skin in- flammations. Myrrh was also as an analgesic. The medicinal uses of mul- lein are far and wide, with extensive uses for tuberculosis and respiratory ailments affecting the lungs. Enjoy the images of the "good doctor's" visits and treatments to the residents of Burton Village.