Volunteers are VITAL to help Century Village Museum keep history alive for Geauga County. As members of the Geauga County Historical Society, you know that we try to have as many of our historical buildings open as possible, which means we need volunteer house sitters.
We will provide all the information necessary to answer the public's questions as well as chairs if you would like to seated during your shift.
The Shifts were created to let you also have time to enjoy the festival/event. House sitting is more fun done in pairs, so feel free to ask friends and family if they'd also be interested.

Employment Opportunities
Historical Interpreters Needed to Make History Come Alive Geauga County Historical Society’s Century Village Museum in Burton is now hiring interpreters for the upcoming spring season that runs April 15 through December 15.
This part-time, seasonal paid position includes taking the public and school children on a walking tour of the Village.
Basic tours can take approximately 2 1/2 hours to complete and we provide training and scripts with all the information needed to bring Century Village to life. Background checks and fingerprinting will be required.
If you enjoy learning about history and sharing your knowledge with others please call us at 440-834-1492 to set up an interview.

Volunteers are VITAL to help Century Village Museum keep history alive for Geauga County. As members of the Geauga County Historical Society, you know that we try to have as many of our historical buildings open as possible, which means we need volunteer house sitters.
We will provide all the information necessary to answer the public's questions as well as chairs if you would like to seated during your shift.
The Shifts were created to let you also have time to enjoy the festival/event. House sitting is more fun done in pairs, so feel free to ask friends and family if they'd also be interested.